CANELA is your specialist in Germany for Spanish hand fans.
Over 500 models made of wood and fabric in the range in different variants.
Qualitative subjects for women and men of all ages,
for every taste, occasion and budget.
The goods in the range come from factories in Spain.
Did you find your favorite subjects?
Send me your request! I will check the availability of the goods and get back to you as soon as possible.
Praktisch und elegant.
Spanische Fächer für Sie und Ihre Lieben.
Are you looking for high quality hand fans to buy, fans or even "fans " ?
Your search is over. You have found CANELA!
Geschenke für Frauen
Geschenke für Männer
Geschenke für Mama
Geschenke für Oma
Geschenk für Freundin
Geschenk für Freund
Gesckenke zur Hochzeit
Geschenk zum Einzug
Geschenk zur Einschulung
Geschenkideen zum Weihnachten
Geschenk für Linkshänder
Geschenke zum Wichteln
Handfächer für abends
Handfächer für den Alltag
Handfächer für kleine Señoritas
Handfächer für Bäcker
Handfächer für Gäste
Handfächer als Mitbringsel
Handfächer für Literaten
Handfächer für Musiker
Handfächer für Weinsommeliers
Hand fans made of wood , fans made of fabric , sturdy fans.
Large compartments, small hand compartments and mini hand compartments.
Black fan, white hand fan and many other colors .
Compartments for men, women, compartments for unisex, compartments for children and even compartments for left-handers .
Hand fan for wedding and compartments for guests . Designer hand fans.
Compartments for opera evenings, for the theater, in a caf← or simply for on the go.
Flamenco fans and personalized fans with your favorite design.
Hand fans as a gift idea for a birthday, Christmas or as a souvenir,
for yourself and your loved ones.
Hand- made fans, hand-painted fans, modern fans, pointed or basic fans.
Exclusive high-quality hand fans from the brand " aea Abanico Espaol " , the quality guarantee seal
the guild of Spanish manual fans , the designation of origin of the Spanish manual fan.
The "pata negra" among the subjects .
Whether case for compartments, fan frames for covering or connecting rivets for hand fans, you can find everything here.
At CANELA you won't find fans from Japan, but Spanish hand fans .
I get my subjects delivered directly from Spain.
Take advantage of this inexpensive meeting of subjects
and take a look at the different hand fan designs in the online shop!
Do you need advice? I am here for you!